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2021/  publication

The Northern Quarter, a lively and heterogeneous district with a complex history, is often portrayed as desolate and problematic. This image makes it easy for project developers and politicians to push aside the social reality and go ahead with their own plans. The area is currently undergoing thorough transformations due to many large-scale projects.

Unfortunately, it is not clear to the residents and social organisations of the neighbourhood what exactly is going to happen, and who is behind what. On 10 September 2021, Wouter De Raeve and Lietje Bauwens presented an initial overview of all private and public plans for the neighbourhood by means of the booklet Le Quartier Nord, une collection d’histoires. It is a first step towards being able to create a Northern Quarter where social needs are still at the heart.

Alongside the booklet of the WTC towers, Lietje Bauwens and Wouter De Raeve presented a remnant of the WTC towers at Kaaitheater. In the 1960s, this building project was an ambitious dream; but today, the towers have already been demolished. What to do with the debris of failed modernism, the waste of contemporary capitalism? Does what is being built today on these remnants offer a worthy alternative, or do we need fresh alternatives?

If you would like to receive the PDF of the booklet or a copy, please send me an email.


Presented at Kaaitheater

A project by Lietje Bauwens and Wouter De Raeve

Research: 431 vzw
Redaction: Lietje Bauwens, Wouter De Raeve, Daan Milius, Koen Van Baelen
Translation French: Marie Beaumond
Graphic de
sign: Bonsma & Reist, Bern/Brussels
Photography: fotografie Magnus
Feedback: Paula Almiron, Tine Declerck, Sarah De Laet, Jan Denoo, Bie Vancraeynest
This project took place within the framework of the program Sous Les Pavés, HetStrand/ Onder De Stenen, La Plage which took place from 10 till 11 september 2021 at the Kaaitheater in Brussels. The program is curated by Erika Sprey.

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