What means can be used to accelerate the process by which progressive, inclusive, and social visions of society find their way into the core of decision-making? There has been a noticeable evolution within the spatial realm as a professional field, manifesting in the notion of a spatial practitioner—be it an architect, urbanist, social worker, educator, academic, individual, or entity—who assumes a key position within these kinds of decision-making processes. The challenge lies, first of all, not in creating such a position—with the right tools we can easily imagine it—but in analysing the attitude that this position entails. Secondly, Vertical Spatial Practice aims to further delineate the attitude that such practice could define: How should the spatial practitioner act, think, or position him- or herself in order to realize such a practice? And what discourse should he or she develop? Finally, Vertical Spatial Practice sets out to expose the flaws and pitfalls to be found in such an attitude as it relates to spatial practice itself and its contribution to an inclusive and post-capitalist society
Presented at Recyclart, Brussels
Mathieu Berger, sociologist, professor UCL (Brussels)
Maarten Crivits, political scientist and philosopher (UGent)
Roeland Dudal, architect at Architecture Workroom Brussels
Michiel Vandevelde, choregrapher, curator, artist